Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week Four Weigh In

I weighed in today for the challenge.  I gained .2 lbs. not bad.  I'll take it.   We had a big weekend it being Mothers Day and all.  I'm striving to loose two lbs. this coming week that would put me below 165 which is a big milestone for me.  I am going to San Francisco, next weekend for a high school friend's wedding.  I don't want to be the fattest one there!  My mommy is taking me out to buy me a fancy dress on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to it.  I started weight watchers core plan today.  I should be able to loose the two pounds if I stick to it.  I just really like food a lot.  Off to eat some plain chicken and clean my messy kitchen... Yea!

Gay Marriage

So we just got the ruling that it is unconstitutional to require that marriage be defined as a union between a man and a woman.  Which everyone says is the stepping stone to making it legal.  California will be the second state to allow gay marriage.  I'm not really sure how I feel about that.  I feel strangely torn.  Since as a Christian I believe that homosexuality is wrong, but I do believe in equal rights for all US Citizens.  So this leaves me in a strange predicament.  Maybe I don't really care one way or the other.  It really doesn't effect me or my life.  But I wonder if this is just me being desensitized to the sliding of our societies morals?

More Quilting

Last night I finished making the smaller squares, I needed 64 of the smaller squares.  Now I need to sew the squares together in groups of four to make larger squares.  I did 4 of the larger squares last night. This is what they will look like (sort of ) when put together.  I'm not really sure how many I'm going to need to cover Sadie's bed.  I'm hoping 16 will be enough.  She has a double bed so we'll see.  I should be able to sew all the large squares tonight.  Then start sewing on the blue center pieces.  I'll update some more this afternoon, or tonight, well maybe it is Thursday, must see TV and all.  I am also going to get a desk lamp to see if I can lighten up the video blogs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So I finally got this thing downloaded.  It took like all night to download to the server, but hopefully this works.  So I'll post it now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Craft Room !

Finished the craft room in record time it's not perfect but it is a craft room after all and everything is in some sort of order, so, on to the quilt... let's see how much of that I can get done tonight before bed.  Maybe enough that I can post a little something to show off tomorrow.  I have a massage, or it might be a facial, in the morning.  And boy I need it.  Feeling a little wiped out.   I'm sure my back will be killing me after quilting this evening.  Maybe it's time for a glass of wine...goodnite!

Countdown to Grandma Lon

Grandma Lon (my mother in law) is coming in a couple weeks for a visit.  I'd like to get Sadie's bedroom redecorated by then, but we'll have to see.  She does after all need a place to sleep.  It's a lot of work with not much time.  I think she's comming May 27.  I want to paint, make a quilt, and various other bedding items, make some curtains, and figure out the closet doors.  I started the quilt weeks ago, but haven't had any opportunities to work on it in a week or so.  In the mean time my craft room has gotten piled up with a variety of things that the girls and I have just thrown in to get them out of the way.  I am turning over a new leaf, and trying to keep the clutter down in our lives.  So before I work on projects I have to pick up the craft room.  Anyone who knows me knows that this is a major feat for this self confessed clutter bug.  So here I go.  Maybe tomorrow I can blog about actually working on my quilt and post a picture of my progress, or even just post a picture of a cleaner craft room.  I know that none of you are interested in the state of the craft room.  This is just my clever way of attempting to keep my self honest... But will it work?  More tomorrow about Sadie's 4th birthday and Dutch festival.  I'm trying to do a quick catch up of all the stuff I've been meaning to blog about, but haven't gotten around to.  I really want to make this a priority in order to keep in touch with everyone this Summer when we're in Montana.

The Smits Go to Disneyland

The family went to Disneyland two weeks ago and we had a blast.  It was such a fun time with just our family.  Jeremy really went all out, we got to stay at the Grand Californian or whatever it's called.  It's right there at the park and a really nice place to stay.  A little pricier than I would like to have gone, but Jeremy said it was going to be worth it and it was!  It was so pretty and close.  The view of California Adventure was amazing.

Madison as usual was in her element and having a blast no ride was too fast or too slow.  She even seemed to have fun watching all the wonder in Sadie's eyes.

All three girls rode almost every ride.  Sadie (now 4 ) even rode Space Mountain, what a trooper!  She did tell her dad it was way too fast and she didn't want to ride on it again until she was 5.  Good Luck!  She liked Nemo and Star Tours the best she wanted to go on them over and over.  She also loved seeing all the characters.

Sophia, who is usually my biggest roller coaster chicken even went on California Screamin'.  That's a big change from last time when pirates was too scary.  Her favorite ride was Space Mountain just like her daddy.

A fun time was definately had by all.  I can't wait to see them all do it again!  We seem to want to try to do it about every four years or so.  So we'll see, I'll have a teenager by then!  Oh the horror! 

Back to the Blog

Here I am again one thousand years later, I'm not too good at this blogging thing apparently.  But I'm going to strive for better blogginess.  Not to mention the fact that nobody reads or checks this blog but me!!  Things have been going well I'm doing the YMCA weight loss challenge again.  It's fun, and makes me workout more.  I had a bit of a down week this past week, but I strive for this week to be better.  It's a six week challenge and I am in the midst of week four.  With my weigh in coming up on Thursday.  I'm not really looking forward to this weeks weigh in.  But I started at 174 pounds and as of last weigh in I was down to 166.  My goal is to get to 160, with a possibility of  moving down to 155, but it's a lot of work and I will need to re-evaluate once I get closer.  This is really the first time in my life I've made working out a priority, which to some extent makes me feel like I'm making myself a priority for the first time in a long time.