Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Back to the Blog

Here I am again one thousand years later, I'm not too good at this blogging thing apparently.  But I'm going to strive for better blogginess.  Not to mention the fact that nobody reads or checks this blog but me!!  Things have been going well I'm doing the YMCA weight loss challenge again.  It's fun, and makes me workout more.  I had a bit of a down week this past week, but I strive for this week to be better.  It's a six week challenge and I am in the midst of week four.  With my weigh in coming up on Thursday.  I'm not really looking forward to this weeks weigh in.  But I started at 174 pounds and as of last weigh in I was down to 166.  My goal is to get to 160, with a possibility of  moving down to 155, but it's a lot of work and I will need to re-evaluate once I get closer.  This is really the first time in my life I've made working out a priority, which to some extent makes me feel like I'm making myself a priority for the first time in a long time. 

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