Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Countdown to Grandma Lon

Grandma Lon (my mother in law) is coming in a couple weeks for a visit.  I'd like to get Sadie's bedroom redecorated by then, but we'll have to see.  She does after all need a place to sleep.  It's a lot of work with not much time.  I think she's comming May 27.  I want to paint, make a quilt, and various other bedding items, make some curtains, and figure out the closet doors.  I started the quilt weeks ago, but haven't had any opportunities to work on it in a week or so.  In the mean time my craft room has gotten piled up with a variety of things that the girls and I have just thrown in to get them out of the way.  I am turning over a new leaf, and trying to keep the clutter down in our lives.  So before I work on projects I have to pick up the craft room.  Anyone who knows me knows that this is a major feat for this self confessed clutter bug.  So here I go.  Maybe tomorrow I can blog about actually working on my quilt and post a picture of my progress, or even just post a picture of a cleaner craft room.  I know that none of you are interested in the state of the craft room.  This is just my clever way of attempting to keep my self honest... But will it work?  More tomorrow about Sadie's 4th birthday and Dutch festival.  I'm trying to do a quick catch up of all the stuff I've been meaning to blog about, but haven't gotten around to.  I really want to make this a priority in order to keep in touch with everyone this Summer when we're in Montana.

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