Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dylan Meets the Smits!

On May 21 Jon (my brother in law) came down to install our new counter tops.  Which are beautiful and he brought Julie and my new Niece with him.  I couldn't wait to meet her!
Dylan Kate Pereira was born on Sadie's birthday April 30th.  She's adorable.  
Her cousins are crazy over her.  They got to spend the evening visiting with their aunt and uncle and their new cousin.
They took turns fighting over who's turn it was to hold her.  And they thought is was hilarious when she made "a face like something smells really bad"
Uncle Jeremy seems to think she's something really special, and Sadie thinks that since they share a birthday that they must be sisters not cousins!  We tried to explain it but it didn't seems to sink in.
Thank you Jules for making a trip out here just to see us, and let us see her.  I feel so grateful for the time I got to spend with your new little family.  She is beautiful and perfect.  What an amazing mother you are becoming.  You seem so at ease.  Motherhood becomes you.  I love you and am so proud of you.

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