Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ellis' Day Four - Dead Animal Day!

Foxy Lady! We should have known that the next day would hold interesting things when we all started trying on my Dad's fox hat at dinner.

The girls were all dressed alike today. Twinsies. With all the mosquitoes the girls want to stay inside all day. They have been playing in their "club house" (the down stairs closet) pretty much all day for that past several days. We have been encouraging them to get outside, but it sure makes for a quiet whine free day when they are hold up in the house all day.

Jim and Kameron fished two dead muskrats and two dead trout out of the pond. They stank so bad! Erika and I had to dump them out on the property. It was disgusting! I thought I was going to hurl.

My mom decided to put a bounty on muskrats and marmots. She told us she'd give us a $100 per every one we get. So Erika and I decided we'd trap a marmot. We found rusty old trap in the garage. We set it next to a marmot hole and set it. I looked on the net to see what they were attracted to and all I could find was human urine. Since neither of us were willing to pee on the trap. We decided peanut butter starts with pee so that would be a better choice. So far we haven caught anything...maybe tomorrow!

With the marmot and muskrat bounty, the boys decided to take a shot at it. Jer ended up killing a muskrat with an oar, by wapping it on the head. For those of you who don't know, a muskrat is just like it sounds, a giant musky rat. Jer and Jim, rednecks that they are, decided to skin it. They are currently curing the hide. It was a little disgusting but we just kept our distance until the gross part was done. We finished off the evening with some dead animals at the Victor Steak House. Yummy! Tune in to see what the Ellis' and Smits take on tomorrow.

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