Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ellis' Day Five - Relax A Bit Day

Having a bit of a lazy today in Montana. We all got up late, we stayed up late last night, then didn't do anything too exciting most of the day. The boys did go to the Indian Reservation to pick up the fire works for the festivities tomorrow. As usual they got a ton of fireworks. It should make for a great show.

Jim and Jeremy spent some time showing Kam how to shoot the BB gun. He's been having the time of his life on this trip. It's a boys paradise out here.
Jim and I had a bit of an archery contest. I was, of course, a crack shot.
With the suction cup tipped arrows, that is.

We all (Julie & John, Mom & Dad, the Smits, and The Ellis') went out to the Stock Farm for dinner tonight. We had an excellent time and even better tasting food. The kids even learned to fold their napkins Paca Bates style.

Erika even tried something new! Wild boar quesadilla. She loved it. There are very few times I've come out of there unhappy. The head chef, Toby, is really amazing.

We ended the evening with some warm up fire works to get the kids excited about tomorrow. Followed by some wii boxing and many cocktails. A fun time was had by all. Julie really enjoyed the wii, especially the sports game.

I know I've put a ton of pictures of me on the blog these last few days, but I never have pictures of myself. Especially while doing anything, because I'm the only one who takes pictures. So with the shutterbug Erika around I thought I could take advantage of it and actually post some pictures of me for a change. Even if I look terrible!

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