Monday, June 30, 2008

Day Two with the Ellis' - Kayak Day!

Kameron standing next to the little ditch that runs off into the pond. Kam has been spending his days shadowing the "Big Boys." Jim and Jer have been having a great time with him. He's been riding the big quads and having a ball a few firecrackers (warm up for the fourth of July.)

Jim crossing the big slew. With the high water level there are more slews all over the property than I have seen in the past. The little quads can't even come close to making it. Even the big ones barely make it.

We decided to take the canoe up to the far end of the property and ride it down Big Creek to the other end of the property. It was lots of fun. And so pretty. Usually the creek is too shallow to get all the way down.

The guys would take the canoe out of the water at the bottom and put it on the back of the Rhino then drive it back upstream to put it back in for the next ride. Jer almost knocked Jim off the back trying to get it across the bridge.

Jim and Erica coming down the creek. They had the last ride of the day. But nobody fell in...bummer. We're going to try it again with the kids later on this week if we can get them out of the closet.

The Ellis' Come To Montana...Ye Haw!

The girls playing LOTS of gameboy which they seem to want to do constantly. Not so outdoorsy these three.

Jimmy Jer and Sadie crossing the slew on the back side of the property. The water is really high this year because of the late Mountain thaw. It also makes for TONS of mosquitos...too bad.

Sadie and I riding the quad. Nice smile Sadie!

For some reason the girls have taken over a closet. It's now their club house. The Closet Club. That's what they did all day today while we rode quads and went canoeing on Big Creek.

Sadie Goes Solo

Sadie took her first solo ride on Wednesday the twenty fifth of June!

She rode one of her sister's 50's and had a blast we set the governor so it wouldn't go over 5 mph and I ran behind her holding on to this red cord (I don't know what it's called) but I will cut the engine if I pull it. I overestimated how long I could run at 5 mph.

possibly I underestimated how long a 4 year old would want to drive a quad. Needless to say, I let her have full control after less than half an hour. She's been doing a great job. Unless a mosquito bites her and then she totally looses concentration. So we go riding the "Aquads" every morning!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Addition to the Family

Well we will be adding to our family in August sometime after we come home from Montana.  I'm very excited about it but I have decided not to share any details until he/she arrives.  So keep your eye on the blog for updates.  I'll tell you more about it soon!

Jon's Wedding

Jon and his beautiful wife Kristin.  I am so glad I finally had a chance to meet her.  Jon's parents were thrilled.  Jon's mom, who by the way looks spectacular with her short hair, was especially going on and on about Kristin.  I'm so happy for them.  The reception was beautiful.  It was in the penthouse of the Fairmont in San Francisco.  Which gave me a great excuse to stay at an amazing hotel.  I loved that they had cupcakes instead of cake.  Being a mom of 3 girls I of course consider myself somewhat of a cupcake connoisseur.  Those were cute cupcakes!  I didn't get to spend much time with Jon catching up, he was doing a great job as host to all his guests.  But sometime very soon I hope to get a chance to catch up properly.

Barrette and Jon's wife Kristin after Barrette's toast.  It was so fun catching up with everyone! Barrette seems to be doing great.  He seems to have changed the least, possibly because he's not married...yet.  His girlfriend is so nice and seems perfect for him.  It's about time.  Maybe another wedding?  I know no pressure, right!  Not sure that I'd be invited to that one, but I've never been to a Jewish wedding, I bet that would be a blast! 

 I see everyone so infrequently now that it really surprises me how comfortable I feel around everyone still.  Just like family, you don't see them for awhile and they've changed, but not really.  This is Jeff, Chris and Mike.  Lookin' good boys!  Finally I'm not the only married one.  I didn't talk to Mike as much as I had wanted to, but he seems to be doing great.  Baby on the way!  Also a beautiful wife.  

Now Jeff I talked to alot, wife (completely pregnant) beautiful daughter Ruby, son on the way. So nice to see them.  I really enjoyed catching up with Jeff.  He seems very comfortable and happy in his role as family man and father.  I'm so happy for him.

Chris I talked to more towards the end of the night which I strangely don't remember nearly as much of.  Too many vodka and sodas perhaps?  But he was happy for his brother and appears in excellent spirits.  I think I may have briefly met his girlfriend.

Phu I didn't talk to at all, just mainly a hello and how ya doin'.  Another good excuse to take a trip up north.

By the way, giant props to the pregnant wives, for making the trips and letting your husbands have a great time.  I remember those days, which are thankfully behind me, it's not really ever fun to be pregnant.  But to go to parties is kind of a drag.  

Lastly, I was so nervous to see everyone.  Thinking I had gotten too fat and frumpy. Or the lack of brain exercise had fatigued me to a point of conversational dullness.  But the minute I stepped off the elevator I felt like I was home in Modesto, hanging out with the guys.  Thanks everyone I had a amazing night.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Final Weigh In!!!

I had my final weigh in last Thursday.  I did great.  I ended up at 162.4 pounds.  Which is the lowest I've been in 8 years.  I'm pretty happy with that.  My team came in second to last.  I lost like 7% of my body weight.  My friend Erika lost over 20 pounds but she was on another team.  So awesome! But I have to keep going to the gym that's the most important thing for me to remember.  So If I can keep this up I might see the 150's by the end of the summer!