Monday, June 30, 2008

Day Two with the Ellis' - Kayak Day!

Kameron standing next to the little ditch that runs off into the pond. Kam has been spending his days shadowing the "Big Boys." Jim and Jer have been having a great time with him. He's been riding the big quads and having a ball a few firecrackers (warm up for the fourth of July.)

Jim crossing the big slew. With the high water level there are more slews all over the property than I have seen in the past. The little quads can't even come close to making it. Even the big ones barely make it.

We decided to take the canoe up to the far end of the property and ride it down Big Creek to the other end of the property. It was lots of fun. And so pretty. Usually the creek is too shallow to get all the way down.

The guys would take the canoe out of the water at the bottom and put it on the back of the Rhino then drive it back upstream to put it back in for the next ride. Jer almost knocked Jim off the back trying to get it across the bridge.

Jim and Erica coming down the creek. They had the last ride of the day. But nobody fell in...bummer. We're going to try it again with the kids later on this week if we can get them out of the closet.

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