Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week Four Weigh In

I weighed in today for the challenge.  I gained .2 lbs. not bad.  I'll take it.   We had a big weekend it being Mothers Day and all.  I'm striving to loose two lbs. this coming week that would put me below 165 which is a big milestone for me.  I am going to San Francisco, next weekend for a high school friend's wedding.  I don't want to be the fattest one there!  My mommy is taking me out to buy me a fancy dress on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to it.  I started weight watchers core plan today.  I should be able to loose the two pounds if I stick to it.  I just really like food a lot.  Off to eat some plain chicken and clean my messy kitchen... Yea!

1 comment:

Princess Red Toe said...

Hey Lisa,
I love your blog! are workin on the weight again too huh? I re-started 3 weeks ago, down 9 lbs, with many a pound to go! I know how hard it is to declutter a space, your craft room looks cute, Good Job Sista! I was up at 6 to take Drake to his field trip. tis the season, all three of my kids had one this week. We are done with school this coming Wednesday, and NEXT YEAR I WILL HAVE A HIGH SCHOOLER! Ye-gads. Well, time for me to do my yoga routing...or maybe just a cuppa since I have never really learned yoga! (sounded good though, didn't it?)