Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Store Opening!

I just opened a shop on etsy.com to sell some of my knitted items.  
So far these are the items I have listed.  I have one more picture to take then I'll be done listing the items I have finished.  If you want to visit my store and check out etsy my store is located at www.etsy.wallpaper.com.  Etsy is an online site for selling hand made things.  It's really cool.  The jewelry is amazing.  Go check it out!


Princess Red Toe said...

Go Martha...er...Lisa! You rock at trying new things. I still haven't tried Ebay yet, but have some contacts that I can't use b/c my prescription changed. Can I sell those on ebay?? Give me some listing tips....! Please?? Who is the girl in the tassles cap?? Not a neice of mine I know! What are you doing for Maddy's b-day and what are your present ideas? I need a jump start on Jade's in Dec....all I know is she is having a luau and indoor swimming.

Mike Karyn & Nash said...

Congrats on the store opening. You are so amazing at all this creative stuff...

Kristen said...

these are sooo cute! I couldn't get to your site though? I totally want to help you with pictures, so just let me know.