Friday, August 8, 2008

The Baby has arrived

After a very long wait...It has arrived!
We are the very proud parents of a brand new Mini Cooper.  I just love it.  It's so speedy, and shiny.  Some may say it's impractical to have a car that the entire family can't fit into.  Not me I say humbug... look how cute it is.  Plus I can fit it into our garage, yea!  On our drive homefrom Montana yesterday Jeremy couldn't wait to pick it up, so we drove straight through 17 1/2 hours and picked it up this morning.  I love it.  Jeremy even bought me a little silver bulldog keychain, what a sweetie.


Mike Karyn & Nash said...

so cute you guys!! congrats on the new baby! I can't wait to go for a ride! What a fun car to have for the family!

Princess Red Toe said...

Now THAT is one cute baby! Now you can say things like...Oh, sorry Jer, all the kids CAN'T come with me...they just won't fit!