Thursday, September 18, 2008

Looking for Ryan.

I was having a wonderful morning this morning, actually wonderful doesn't even describe it.  I had a pedicure with a couple of friends, then washed my car...I love that car.  While I was cleaning the rims, a long and tedious process since they are white...what were we thinking?  Pretty, oh yea, pretty, that was it.  I looked down and saw my hideous legs wearing shorts, which I never do, and my eyes stopped on my "fat knees."  Then I thought of Ryan.  I laughed out loud.  I never do that.  Jeremy hollered from his office "What's up with you?"  "Just thought of something funny" I said.  My fat knees.  I don't know why Ryan announced I had fat knees one day at random in my hallway when I was fifteen after a horse back ride.  But I don't remember it bothering me.  It still doesn't.  But it made me think of him, and how close we used to be.  Talking about the Beatles and all the strange nicknames he had for my various boyfriends through out the years.  Last I heard he was in Australia studying to be a doctor.  I always find that humorous.  Imagining Dr. Dadasovich announcing to some patient he'll be doing a fat kneectomy.  So Ryan thanks for the smile and laugh today.  It reminded me of how much I love being Lisa.  And how at certain times I am still that girl riding Silver, swinging my legs, through an orchard laughing and singing Michelle ma belle.  Just thinking of you today.  I'm going to Google him.  I hope he's having a "fat knee" day too.

Sadie's Self Make Over

This is not the first time Sadie has had the uncontrollable urge to cut her hair, 
but wouldn't it be nice if it was her last?

She usually gets a chunk or some pieces off the side or a couple hairs here and there.  This time she whacked off the entire left side, and all the bangs.  It's sort of hard to tell from the pictures but I don't think scissors could have gotten any closer to her head.
Of course I balled and made her feel horrible.  I was having a terrible day with Maddy and Fia being sick.  I believe my exact words were "It looks so ugly!"  Then she cried and promised to never do it again...(sure).  I think she might have felt pretty bad, because she later sat in Starbucks for about a half hour with her blankie covering her entire head.
Since the girls went back to school today, I took her in for a real makeover.  I looked through all the books but this was pretty much the only cut that is cute with no bangs.  
So voila! Sadie's new look.
I have decided I love it! Surprising enough.  I think I love actually getting to see those beautiful blue eyes.  (Sorry some of the pictures are in black and white.  My camera was on auto and it took the pictures so dark I couldn't see them.  The only way you could tell what they were was to take out the saturation.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Store Opening!

I just opened a shop on to sell some of my knitted items.  
So far these are the items I have listed.  I have one more picture to take then I'll be done listing the items I have finished.  If you want to visit my store and check out etsy my store is located at  Etsy is an online site for selling hand made things.  It's really cool.  The jewelry is amazing.  Go check it out!